Fibercon International Inc

Slab Master

The concrete slab-on-ground is the heart of any building, the work platform where all activities occur. You get one chance to do it right. After the concrete is placed, you will have to live with your choices. Err on the side of serviceability and include Fibercon’s SlabMaster reinforcement in your next floor design.

While there is no single “correct” design method for slabs-on- ground, there will be a practical minimum thickness for a slab after considerations of loading condition, subgrade, tolerances, and concrete strengths as reviewed by the designer. The majority of floor issues relate to serviceability considerations, such as cracking, curling or joint spalling.

SlabMaster with Fibercon steel fibers solves these problems. SlabMaster gives the designer the flexibility to use the proper dosage of fibers for each application. SlabMaster, when used in conjunction with Fibercon’s design program, takes joint layout, cracking, curling, thickness and steel fiber dosage into account when designing a functional, cost-effective floor.

Our Pillars for the Best Fibers

SlabMaster, using Fibercon’s engineered steel fibers, meets all engineer and contractor requirements for reinforcement on slab-on-ground applications


SlabMaster’s small randomly distributed fibers are an excellent means for providing crack control. By increasing the fiber dosage, crack widths become smaller and smaller until they are invisible to the naked eye. This versatility enables SlabMaster to design floors with conventional joint spacing of 15’x15’ or extended joint spacing up over 125’ in length.

SlabMaster has proven itself in the field in hundreds of millions of square feet of industrial floors over the past 40 years.




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